- 24 Hrs Doctor Services
- 24 Hrs Pharamacy
- Laboratory Services
- Ambulance
- Bed Capacity (50)
- Starting Dialysis
We focus mainly on diabetic, hypertension and all other types of patients. Senior Physician Services: Mon - Sat 8.30 AM - 1 PM, 3.30 - 6 PM
Senior Physician Services: Mon - Sat 8.30 AM - 1 PM, 3.30PM - 6 PM
Sunday (Physician Service): Morning 8.30AM - 12.30PM
Chief Medical Officer/RMO Services: 24 Hrs
Booking Time: 2 PM - 6 PM All Days
"The medical profession must demonstrate leadership in regaining that vision for the health care system that we were once proud of, one that serves all Canadians, one that provides timely, universal access to high quality, patient-centred care across the continuum of health. "
Chest Specialist
MD, Modern Medicine
Rtd. Civil Surgeon